Hy Smart People.. This article title is Applications NLL in Coaching, I hope Useful For you
This article is a continuation of discussion of the article "Observing Again Neuro-Logical Levels" (NLL). In that article, the NLL which began as a model of unified theory of NLP, and serves as a 'diagnostic tool' condition of the client, can also be used as a method to formulate a plan. A plan is often not working as it should, because it is not aligned with the layers of thoughts and feelings inside. NLL allowing a plan has a deep meaning that brings great energy to run.
Well, if in the article you are invited to apply the NLL in the plan independently, I would like to invite you to use the NLL in the context of coaching to the client. Rules in using the NLL is, a level above the control level below. Of course, this is an assumption. So instead of pure truth. But this was the basic assumptions used in the NLL. So, yes, let's just absolutely is yes.
And questions of coaching that we can play, among others, are as follows:
In the neighborhood level, one thinks of the condition outside himself. The things that happened to him, but can not be controlled. For example: My boss authoritarian, my husband is not understanding, my children unruly, my salary is not increasing, high inflation, etc. At this level, we may not be able to invite clients to directly change the conditions. But we can take to realize a wider, clearer, and in about his role in the situation.
What do you understand from this situation?
What are the lessons you can take from this condition?
How things are interrelated in your view?
What is your contribution in this situation?
These questions will invite clients to better awareness, and therefore ready to make changes.
The environment can not be controlled, because it exists outside the circle of influence. We can change the environment, through what we do. Then the question of coaching at this level is:
What can you do in this condition?
What have you done so far? How is the result?
What are things that you know might have an impact, but you have not done?
Any action that you need to stop the old?
Any action that you need to keep the old?
Any new action that you need to start?
How do you expect this new action can have an impact that is expected?
At this stage, the client may be able to plan a lot of behavior that can he do to get results. Well, sometimes, some of the planned actions are actions that have not been done before, and therefore is not believed to be able to run consistently.
Behavior or action, is controlled by the ability, skills, competencies possessed client. No matter how good the customer service guidelines set by the company, for example, will not be able to run very well by the front liners if they do not first equipped with a set of skills to do the excellent service. At this point, explore with the client you will be the following:
Do you already have sufficient capability to do that?
Any new capabilities that you need?
On whom you can learn that ability?
Any old capabilities that you need to raise his level?
Even when someone has had the ability, there is only the possibility he could not pull out the optimal ability, because there is still a barrier inside. Then we need to invite the client to examine the level ...
Confidence is a causal relationship is assumed to be true by someone. My parents are teachers, so even my brothers. Then formed the belief that we are a family of teachers. When wishing to make an effort, this conviction whispered, "What can ya? We are the family of a teacher. "Logically, this belief did not make sense, and not related at all. But he is a causal relationship is assumed to be true, namely 'because we were a family of teachers, it is difficult to be traders'.
Well, other examples very much: I high school graduates, which could be a manager. I'm the new kid, which may be of high value. I've already old, can not work fast. I'm still young, so it is still slow.
At this level, you can invite your clients to explore:
What is on your mind about this?
What do you believe to be true about it?
What perspective do you use?
What do you feel when you think about it?
What new perspective that you need?
Whether there is a better way of thinking?
I'm curious, why did you come to that conclusion?
Have sufficient confidence in the position, thus requiring patience and calmness in assisting clients to explore it. At this level, very often clients soon get an enlightenment. Even if it does not, please proceed to the next stage, namely:
Personal Identity
Identity is actually a form of belief as well. Only he is more profound because it involves the belief that a more fundamental, namely beliefs about ourselves: how a person defines himself. If being born in a family of teachers, one then defines itself as 'I have the teacher, not worth the trade', then any such capability would be difficult to form. Work related to the sale was difficult to implement, because it will always bear inner conflict. The term 'inner conflict' is often an indication of a conflict between identity with the action taken.
At this stage, you can partner with your clients to explore:
How do you see yourself today?
Is this perspective supports you to achieve the desired results?
Where does the part of your identity that is not aligned?
Like what if it feels the inner conflict that you feel?
Could you could expand the definition of self-identity, so it is more in tune?
Identity such as what you need?
Do you allow yourself to have a new identity?
Exploring identity is very challenging, for the coach and the client. Because it involves the design of self that has for years formed. The good news, is not always the result of new demands radical change of identity. More often I experienced was enough to help our clients to expand the definition of their identity, not replace it completely. For example, a client is difficult to communicate in straight forward, because it has a self-identity that 'I was a good person, nice person, do not like to hurt other people and make other people into trouble because of my openness'. The impact, he often did not speak frankly when confronted with a problem, and results in the emergence of a larger problem at other times. In this case, change the identity that he has not something crucial, because the true identity is a good thing. All he need is to expand the definition, for example, be that it is precisely because I am a good person, I have to be blunt will condition occurs, so as not to result in the long term the more fatal. And because I am a good person, then I will open my colleagues, rather than let it make mistakes that impact will be great.
At this level, if we still find the wedge, we can continue the journey of exploration into the realm of ...
Spirituality is the level of thinking about a greater connection between the self and life. We believe that we are only a small part of a greater design. We believe that our existence in a situation, place, position, it was no accident, but rather is there to carry out a mission. Then the exploration that can be done include:
What does this condition with greater things?
According to you, this is all about?
What is your mission in this condition?
What your job is?
How do you run the task here, have an impact on others?
Exploration at this level will really elevate the client to a perspective that is much broader, and aware of its existence today.
I was not born in a family of traders. I was difficult to see myself as a trader. But the fact that I was confronted with this opportunity, perhaps a sign that I have a duty that I must exert. Perhaps, the teacher traders? Traders are also teachers? Teach traders how to trade is ethical? Gave the example that we can be a teacher as well trader?
Thus. The key word, recognize the position of the client in the context of the NLL, and encourage him to play and explore other levels, so that eventually gave birth to harmony and high motivation.
Thanks For reading Applications NLL in Coaching url link https://nlpapplicative.blogspot.com/2015/07/applications-nll-in-coaching.html