Hy Smart People.. This article title is Compliance Gaining in Persuasion | nlp techniques, I hope Useful For you
Compliance has to do with behaviors.
Link between attitudes and behaviors can be uncertain.
Most compliance research has been on face-to-face situations.
Emphasis has been what senders can do to gain compliance.
Five types of compliance gaining activities:
• Promises
• Punishments
• Expertise, special knowledge
• Appeal to internalized commitments: you know you want to and will feel bad if you do not
• Person is indebted so should “give back” through compliance.
How people say “no”
• Non-negotiation: just say no
• Identity management: I would never make such a request
• Justifying: if I do that bad things will happen
• Negotiation: I won’t turn the stereo off, but I will turn it down.
Situational aspects of compliance gaining behavior:
• Dominance, power, control: asking someone if you are the boss.
• Intimacy: using the power of a relationship.
• Resistance predicted by the person being persuaded.
• Benefits to self or other from compliance.
• Rights at issue: barking dog vs. hairstyle.
• Relational consequences: it will bring us closer together or farther apart.
• Apprehension: potential for anxiety during the attempt.
Four different situations study: what tactics do people use?
• Non-interpersonal, short term: used car dealer more for old car
• Non-interpersonal, long term: new neighbors want to cut down shade tree on their land that increases value to your home
• Interpersonal, short term: you want to cancel a date with your close friend so you can see a family member visiting town.
• Interpersonal, long term: you want to persuade your partner to move to another town with you so you can take a new better job.
In general people would use positive, friendly approaches. Threats were more likely in the non-interpersonal, short term. Used trial and error (testing various strategies) more in non-interpersonal situations.
How do couples try and gain compliance from each other?
Three types of couples:
• Traditionals: stability, not spontaneity, interdependence, avoids conflict. Use discussion of positives and negatives, used their relationship as a source of power.
• Separates: people together but less interdependent, but try to avoid open conflict. Focus on negative consequences of not complying to get hat they want.
• Independents: non-traditional couple, a little interdependence, yet still with physical and temporal aspects of their lives. More willing to be assertive and engage on conflict. Use a wide array of compliance strategies, debate each other intensely.
Loan me your car – I benefit
Stop smoking – the other benefits.
The more benefits are at stake, the more we are willing to use negative tactics.
If it is self-benefit, more willing to use verbal aggression.
Five types of power
• Reward power
• Coercive power – punishments
• Expert power – I know more
• Legitimate power – rank or position
• Referent power – people ant to be like you
Legitimate power (boss) tends to use variety of strategies, but explains them less and expects compliance. And they get it.
What to do without power? Try politeness theory.
• Two kinds of face: (how you look to others, Asian construct)
• Positive face – people like, respect and approve of us.
• Negative face – we are not constrained or impeded by others, free to do what we want.
• A request for compliance may effect both of these:
• Pick me up at the airport – negative face lost
• Hey wife, bring me another beer – positive face lost
• Threatening either face makes it less likely that people will comply. To avoid this we try to be polite.
• If they are more powerful than we are, we need to be extra polite.
• More powerful people are less polite.
• Less powerful people have to be more polite.
• Threats are less polite than hints. But threats are more efficient.
• Direct requests are efficient and not considered impolite, but may not get what you want.
We prefer strategies that have a positive emotional impact.
We all have a limit to which we will tolerate negative emotional impact with each person.
We measure the impact based on our interpretation of the individual characteristics of those we are trying to influence:
• Manipulative – acceptable to manipulate them back
• Dogmatic – don’t push them too far
• Verbally aggressive – don’t push them too far
• Gender – men on men rougher, women on women rougher
• Age – older to younger push it, younger to older not so much
Difficult to find the best strategy for the situation.
We have imperfect information.
74 different strategies finding shows how difficult it is.
Requests for compliance take place within a broader context of our goals. Our broader goals make a difference.
Two men scooping mud into wooden molds:
“I am scooping mud and straw into a wooden mold”
“I am building a beautiful cathedral.”
Common goals:
• Provide guidance: get advice, a favor, permission, and information.
• Share time: start, escalate or end a relationship
• Fulfill an obligation: set a date, stop an annoying habit.
The goals you have shape the way you seek compliance. Your goals may be broader than your immediate request.
Our concerns may be achieving the request AND maintaining social appropriateness, depending on our ultimate goals, whether that person is important to us.
We have different logic about what communication is for and how it works. We therefore have an individual style that influences how we seek compliance.
- Expressive design logic: Communication means to say what you think or feel. Speak from the gut. Crude.
- Conventional design logic: Communication is a cooperative game. They want results but they understand they need to follow the rules of appropriateness. Moderate.
- Rhetorical design logic: use whatever strategy it takes to get the results you want, but keep your more general goals in mind. Use communication to repeatedly solving and coordinating problems, consensus and harmony. Most sophisticated.
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