Hy Smart People.. This article title is September 4 - Theory for Persuasion, I hope Useful For you
Persuasion - Elaboration Likelihood Model (2008) from Alfred Snider on Vimeo.
Petty & Cacioppo, 1986
1. People want to hold correct beliefs and attitudes.
2. Motivation to elaborate (think) varies with individuals and situations. People conserve cognitive resources.
3. Variables can impact persuasion:
a. Persuasive arguments: reasons, evidence, logical connections.
b. Peripheral cues: images, speaker, previous positions, mental shorthand, etc.
c. Extent & direction of elaboration (thinking): biased vs. objective.
4. Persuasive arguments: the central route
a. Personal relevance
b. New information
c. Comprehension and understanding
d. Objective elaboration
5. Peripheral cues: the peripheral route
a. Source focus
b. Intangibles/Associations
c. Images/symbols
d. Confusion, lack of comprehension and understanding.
e. Biased elaboration
f. Repetition
6. Elaboration:
a. Extent determined by motivation
b. Biased elaboration: low motivation
c. Objective elaboration: high motivation
7. Central trades off with peripheral
8. Central route persuasion has: (but is harder to get)
a. More persistence
b. More behavioral change
c. More resistance
Thanks For reading September 4 - Theory for Persuasion url link https://nlpapplicative.blogspot.com/2014/08/september-4-theory-for-persuasion.html