
Syllabus for Persuasion Fall 2014

Hy Smart People.. This article title is Syllabus for Persuasion Fall 2014, I hope Useful For you


Alfred C. Snider, Instructor – Fall 2014

OMA A207 10-11:15 Tue/Thur

Office -- 475 Main Street, Room 103 656-0097 or 238-8345
http://debate.uvm.edu/tunacalendar.html - http://persuasionuvm.blogspot.com/

This course attempts to acquaint the student with the subject of persuasion (attitude, belief, value, and/or behavioral change through communication). This is done through an examination of the components of the persuasive situation, a review of the various theories of persuasion, methods of enacting these concepts through student communication, and an application of these ideas to persuasive attempts we confront in society.
We are all producers and consumers in the process of persuasion. It is hoped that this course will aid all involved in becoming more skillful and responsible producers of persuasion as well as more critical and aware consumers of it.

Class readings can be found at https://www.uvm.edu/~asnider/persuasion/ and you must use your UVM netid to enter this area.
Our readings will come from a list prepared by the instructor and offered to the students in observance of relevant copyright laws.

This course will utilize three primary educational methods:
1. A series of lectures given by the instructor. These will be reasonably brief, will be interspersed with questions to the class and will highlight both material in the readings as well as new material.
2. The class will attempt to stage on-going discussions about class material. The lectures will often be punctuated with spots for class discussion to follow up on relevant ideas. Students are held responsible for contributing to these discussions.
3. Experiential learning will also be utilized. Students will present persuasive messages to the class, will engage in simulations of the persuasion process, and will engage in exercises highlighting critical persuasion variables.
Education is incorrectly seen as a process where the "teacher" imparts unquestioned "knowledge" to the docile and merely recipient "students." To be meaningful in an educational sense students and teachers must together pursue answers to questions which neither may have a full advanced understanding of. In our discussions it is essential that students engage in a process of critical analysis, questioning points made by the instructor as well as presenting alternative viewpoints. There are few, if any, absolute truths in this field, and student input is necessary for all of us to understand the "probable truths" which we may take away from this experience as useful knowledge. It is the duty of each person in this class to take part as a critical, active participant, and to learn about persuasion through direct experience and concerted inquiry.

Students are asked to fulfill the following requirements:
1. Introductory speech of 1-2 minutes.
2. Persuading about a problem, 4-5 minutes.
3. Persuading about a solution, 5-6 minutes.
Written work: papers are typed, submitted electronically and written according to supplied guidelines. Improperly written work will be returned for rewriting.
1. Personal evaluation: 2-3 pages evaluating your strengths and weaknesses in persuasion.
2. Term paper: 8-12 pages on an approved topic that analyzes a persuasive act in our society.
Tests: one during the semester. Mixture of testing formats.
Participation: students are expected to take part in class discussions. This assumes that students are physically present and are prepared to deal with the topic of the day.
Students should be aware of the University policy on academic dishonesty. If you do not complete all assignments you cannot pass this class.

Students will be evaluated on the basis of earned points only. There will be no extra credit work available. Each assignment has a given point value (adding up to 100) of which students will be awarded a portion based on the quality of their work. Final grades will be awarded with an eye towards natural breaks in the distribution.
Point values are: intro speech 5, problems speech 15, solutions speech 20, evaluation paper 10, term paper 20, test 20, and class participation 10.

Please feel free to meet with me at any time during the semester either during my office hours or by appointment. We can discuss assignments, evaluation, class material, class procedures, or anything else on your mind.

This is a tentative syllabus. A day-to-day schedule will be provided.

Thanks For reading Syllabus for Persuasion Fall 2014 url link https://nlpapplicative.blogspot.com/2014/08/syllabus-for-persuasion-fall-2014.html