
Nonverbal Signals and Persuasion

Hy Smart People.. This article title is Nonverbal Signals and Persuasion, I hope Useful For you

When there is a contradiction between the verbal message and the nonverbal message, people ten to believe the nonverbal message more.


Common immediacy cues increase persuasion.
Definition: Nonverbal signals that communicate warmth, involvement, and including behaviors do this.
Examples: smile, eye contact, an affirmative nod, leaning just a bit forward at times, etc.
It is usually true but not always and can be overdone.


Nonverbal cues are interdependent. If there is a contradiction there is a problem.


Eye contact helps beggars get more money.
Frequent but not prolonged eye contact leads to more persuasion.
Lack of eye contact causes the audience not to trust the speaker.
Eye contact works with legitimate requests. Airport study: asking for money for legitimate purpose (phone call) it helped, but not illegitimate purposes (candy bar). It was better for illegitimate requests to look away (humble, embarrassed).

250,00 different facial expressions.
Smiling is the most effective strategy, but cannot be constant. This is true of teachers, waitresses, therapists, job interviewees, asking for help with some dropped objects.
Smiling too much makes it seem insincere.
Some people have bad smiles, George Bush #1.
Jimmy Carter smiled when talking about bad things, made him seem insincere.
Male Doctors get more compliance if they do not smile so much.
Smiling is good when mirroring, smile when they smile. Mimic their behaviors, good for sales.

Body Language
Mirroring is effective.
Open body poses are more persuasive.
Audience standing is more likely to be persuaded than an audience sitting.

Three kinds
1. Emblems: gestures with precise verbal meanings, it is clear. Hello, goodbye, come here, quiet, I don’t know, shame on you.  Using emblems fosters comprehension and retention of the message. 34% recalled with emblems, 11% without.
2. Illustrators: more general gestures to show thing like acceptance, exclusion, emphasis, directions, show excitement. More illustrators make you more persuasive.
3. Self-touching: decrease persuasion, as it is a sign of anxiety.


Library study while returning library card. Touch lightly or non-touch. Touched users liked the library better and rated the service better.
Waitresses who know customers get bigger tips if they touch slightly.
True of signing petitions, bookstore customers, beer drinkers in a bar, etc.
Touch indicates self-assuredness as well as power.
Touch can be counterproductive if it is interpreted as flirting.


Being closer to a person can b more persuasive.
Computer study: closer person was more persuasive. Assumed to be more similar.
Standing within 12-18 inches was better than 3-4 feet when asking people for assistance.
BUT, you need to respect personal space. Lost objects not returned when requester invaded personal space.
Public speaking: 1-2 feet is too close, 5-14 feet is better.
We have expectations of personal space, and you should not violate them.
Too close or too far away can be counterproductive.


First impressions are powerful and lasting.
Dress and artifacts are part of this. Expensive suit, gold watch, etc. show prosperity and confidence.
Many of these appearance cues are strong but not accurate.
Dress appropriately. Dress well for an interview, dress appropriately when visiting a factory, etc.  Fancy dress in the office is more persuasive, casual dress at the bus stop.
Hispanics thought good dress was more important.


More attractive people are more persuasive, especially on the peripheral route. Halo effect – appearance rubs off onto trust, etc.
Body shape – fatness and meal size.
Facial appearance – young faced are seen as more honest, mature faced as more expert.
Beards – more masculine and more mature.
Baldness – not good, but shaved head can be acceptable.

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