
Meta Program

Hy Smart People.. This article title is Meta Program, I hope Useful For you

One of the interesting knowledge in NLP, is the meta-program, which is one of the human filter when processing an incoming information.

Definition of meta program is a program in mind (mind *) humans that governs how humans learn to perceive something that is "seen".

In general Meta is a filter program that governs human perception:

Attention (Attention), What is the focus of attention when it received information
Sort (Develop), How to prepare human / sorting incoming information
Memprores Information: How do humans process each incoming information
Know the program meta assist practitioners in conducting profiling, to know how a person functions, so that the practitioner is able to put these people in the right position. Commonly used often in a company's human resources, in mem-profile candidates will go, and put them in accordance with their function capabilities.

Meta program is also a means very "powerful" in communication. By knowing how a person thinks, practitioners are able to perform effective persuasion by adjusting meta existing programs.

How Meta Program formed?

Meta program formed from a variety of learning of an experience. For example, if a person who grew up in an environment that is always taught to detail, such as "We must be careful in doing the task", "Focus! Not to be missed whatsoever! "Experiences like these will form a detailed program, so that the person will put his attention on the things that detail when working on a task.

You need to know is Meta program not as a form of personality, because Meta program is contextual. Meta program does not describe how the human personality, but explaining how humans function.

Meta program in one context can be different when in different contexts, eg There is someone who is very detail in his work, he's not necessarily detail in other contexts such as, in the context of the family, life, and so forth.

Some types of meta program and how to know

Meta recognize the program, it can be seen from the response given or behavior that appears.

Towards (Approaching) VS Away (Steer)

Explaining the motivation toward a person in doing any act, whether the person is likely to approach the goal or avoid pain.

Sample questions: What do you want from a job?

Sameness VS Difference

Describes how one process / compare on a matter with other things. Did he see something the same or different.

Example question: How do you compare A and B?

Internal vs. External

Which explains how humans focused on existing information, whether of oneself (Internal) or from the referral of others (External)

Sample questions: Where do you focus your attention? Whether of oneself or others?

Global VS Specific

Explaining the circumstances of human thinking, whether Global (general) or Specific (Details)

Example question: Which do you prefer, the big picture or detailed?

Procedural VS Optional

Explains how the thinking process that tends to establish whether procedural stages, regulations and organized, or Optional are likely to look for options, a new way of doing things.

Example question: Why did you choose this job?


When practitioners have recognized meta programs that exist in a person, the practitioner is able to perform a meta equate persuasion with existing programs, for example: If betermu with someone who has a meta program "Toward", which can be done is to encourage "objective" / hope people tesebut becomes as if it happened.

Additional information, Michael Hall who is a founder of the meta type NeuroSemantic find 46 other programs, which can be used as profiling.

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